Unsure of what you are entitled to claim? Has your benefit been reduced or stopped? Do you want to challenge the decision?
What we do
We can give you practical support. We offer a specialist advice, information and casework service on issues affecting your benefits. This includes helping you to work out what benefits you are entitled to, challenging decisions and helping you to maximise income. We can advise you if your benefit has been stopped or if you have been overpaid benefit. We can also help you prepare your case for 1st and 2nd tier tribunals and in some cases we provide representation and advocacy.
Our Help to Claim service can offer specialist advice and assistance with your claim for UC from making the initial claim and up to your first correct payment.
What we don’t do
We are usually unable to help with form filling, however, we may be able to check forms you have already completed.
To get help
Help to Claim service
We can support you in the early stages of your Universal Credit claim, from the application through to your first full payment:
- call us for free on 0800 144 8 444 (advisers are available 8am to 6pm, Mon to Fri)
- chat to us online (look for the “Talk to an adviser” box on this page)
- speak to us face to face if you live or work in North Somerset (please visit any of our drop-in sessions, or email to arrange an appointment)
- read our online advice