Welfare Benefits

What we can do

At Citizens Advice North Somerset, our generalist and specialist benefits team can advise and assist with benefits issues, including making claims as well as challenging decisions up to first-tier tribunal level. However, due to demands on our services, we advise you read the information and advice below to see if this helps before contacting us. 

If you still feel you need assistance from us, please call or use our webform, but please be aware of our waiting times, if you have a deadline you must adhere to. 

If you are contacting us about challenging a decision about a benefit, please ensure you are clear about what stage you are at (please read the below information for help on this). If applicable, please also provide any relevant documentation from the DWP/HMCTS and any relevant medical evidence. 

Please click here for more information about Personal independence Payment (PIP), including making a claim and challenging a decision on your PIP claim.

Please click here for more information about the ‘work capability assessment (WCA)’ including making a claim and challenging a decision on your assessment.

If you have received a letter saying you have been overpaid a benefit please contact us for advice.
If you have had a letter from DWP Debt Management, please be aware that they are not always able to tell you which benefit you have been overpaid. Therefore, it is really important that you provide us with information about the current benefits you are receiving or have received, if you wish for us to advise you.

Click here for the Citizens Advice Page about Benefits

We have also created a documents with information about other benefits available. You can view it here.