Who is using our service?

These are statistics for 2016/17 shown by electoral ward. Please download  our PDF explanatory guide to what they mean.

Wards - Backwell to Pill
Wards - Portishead to Yatton

Research and campaigns

We campaign around issues affecting the local community by involving our clients and local residents in helping to identify issues that affect them.

We have produced a short video which explains research and campaigns in more detail.

You can help us by:

  • reading our policy research work
  • finding out about the impact of our advice
  • supporting our campaigns

More >


We use our clients' experience and stories to campaign for positive change. 

With over two million clients each year this evidence is hard to ignore. We speak up about the policies and services that cause people problems.

Current campaigns > 

Other recent campaigns >

National policy research work >

Impact of Citizens Advice service >

Make your voice heard

Whether you’re an individual, an adviser or a member of an organisation or community group you can complete the form below to tell us your story.

The more we know about how you, or somebody you know, has been affected the more chance we have of building a collective voice that can campaign for change.

This can be about one of the issues shown here or anything else that is affecting you.

Tell us your story >


Are you a private rented client being threatened with eviction for reporting disrepair issues?

Please let us know if you have not asked your landlord for repairs or complained about conditions in your home because you are worried you will be threatened with eviction, or if you have been evicted or threatened with eviction when you have asked your landlord to repair the property.

Is the lower benefit cap affecting you?

We are particularly interested in:

  • Work - are you or your client trying to find work and if so, how are you managing this?
  • Debt - were you previously able to manage your money but are now struggling with new debts, or with paying essential household bills?
  • Housing - are you finding it difficult to remain in your home due to a reduction in housing benefit entitlement? Have Discretionary Housing Payments helped to mitigate any of the housing impacts and why (not)?
  • Support - what help is being made available? What is working well or not working well?

Tell us your story >