Equality, diversity and inclusion

At Citizens Advice North Somerset we value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination.

Our service is available to everyone living, working, or travelling through North Somerset, regardless of race or nationality, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, age or marital status.

We want to make sure that everyone can access our services and we are constantly reviewing and extending our facilities.

If you feel that the way our service is organised excludes you and others like you from accessing it, or you feel that we are not living up to our principles, please contact our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Campaigner:

Bridie Collier
Citizens Advice North Somerset
39 Oxford Street
BS23 1TN


Visit Citizens Advice equality pages >

Deaf or hard of hearing?

At Citizens Advice North Somerset we are ready to help you with advice on debt, welfare benefits, employment, housing and much more:

  • induction loops available on reception and interview rooms
  • we can book a BSL Interpreter / Lip speaker or note taker for you
  • all our advisers are deaf aware
  • we will give you the time you need.

More support for Deaf people >

Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is when one person, within an intimate or family relationship, uses threatening behaviour or violence to control another against their wishes.

Safer and Stronger North Somerset has set up a Domestic Abuse Hub which contains information and advice.

Go to Domestic Abuse Hub >

Hate crime

We are a hate crime reporting centre.

This is a time when we must work together and support one another - not create division and pain. We will stand together to tackle hate crime and hateful people.  We will continue to work together to promote and celebrate diversity.

We can help you make sure you get the support you need. Please tell us about it.

More on hate crime >

Gypsy, Roma, Traveller

We have suspended face to face advice at this time. You can still contact us as shown on the home page.

We don't charge
We don't judge
We don't tell

> Download North Somerset Council's Gypsy and Traveller Services Information and Phone book.

Mental Health


Gypsy, Roma, Traveller

We have suspended face to face advice at this time. You can still contact us as shown on the home page.

We don't charge
We don't judge
We don't tell

> Download North Somerset Council's Gypsy and Traveller Services Information and Phone book.